Pet Sitter or Boarding Kennel – It’s Up to You to Make the Best Choice for Your Pet

Jun 19, 2019 | Pet Boarding Tips

pet sitter or boarding kennel

pet sitter or boarding kennel

When trying to decide between a pet sitter or boarding kennel there are several things to consider.

First and foremost, you want your pet to be treated with love and care so it’s important to put some time and thought into making a decision. Here is some basic information to get you started when deciding between a pet sitter or boarding kennel.

Pet Sitter

We found that a pet sitter spends 15 to 30 minutes with your pet per visit at a rate of between $15-$30 per visit. That can add up quickly if you want them to check in on your pet multiple times daily. Keep in mind that these rates can vary depending on where you’re located and the number, type, and size of your pets.

This generally includes basic care…feeding, fresh water, and being let out/cleaning the litter box. Any extra requests such as giving medications, brushing, playtime, walking, late night or holiday visits, and even mileage to and from your home can be an additional charge.

A pet sitter might also offer to pick up your mail, water plants, take out the trash and clean up droppings/messes with or without an extra charge.

Boarding Kennel

At a boarding kennel, the average cost for a dog is generally $25-$45/day, but make sure you know what’s included with that rate. Again, rates could vary depending on the location of the boarding kennel and the size of your pet.

For example, Big Times Kennel in the Dayton, Ohio area charges $25 per day for dog boarding (no matter what the size) and is all-inclusive. Each dog has a 4’ X 5’ climate-controlled indoor space, plus 11 hours of access to his/her very own 4’ X 11’ outdoor area which is double-fenced for extra security so your pooch can choose where he is most comfortable and do his “business” as needed. Siblings can be housed together, but your pet will never be kept in the same unit as someone else’s pet.

Also included in the daily fee for dogs are two regular meals times, a self-replenishing water supply, fresh bedding, and cleaning/sanitizing both inside and out multiple times throughout the day. There is no extra charge for administering medication, eye/ear drops, and ointments (sorry…no shots). We also provide music throughout the night so pets aren’t alarmed by any unusual or loud outside noises such as fireworks during holiday celebrations. Our loving, experienced caregivers also offer plenty of attention with unlimited pats, scratches, hugs, and treats!!

Get recommendations and references!

Set up a visit and take notice of how your pet reacts and responds to potential visiting pet sitters or caregivers in a kennel setting. If your pooch or kitty appears timid or agitated, then it’s not the right fit. Also, trust your own gut!

You know your pet better than anyone, so when making a choice keep your pet’s personality, demeanor and comfort level in mind. While some dogs prefer the familiarity of their own home others may like frequent human contact and the freedom to be inside or outside at a boarding kennel.

Contact us today

We fill up quickly during the summer months, so if you’re planning a vacation and live in the Dayton, Ohio area give Big Times Kennel a call today at 937-885-3427 to reserve a spot.

**We also have a separate area for cats, so if you have a kitty that needs care, Big Times Kennel charges an all-inclusive fee of $15/day. Check out our cat boarding page for more information.

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