Celebrate Your Dog – National Dog Week
Did you know that every year there’s an entire week dedicated to the celebration of dogs? Celebrate your dog during National Dog Week and every week!

Choose Big Times Kennel for Training and Boarding
Choose Big Times Kennel for Training and Boarding The decision to bring a dog into your home goes beyond the cute puppy stage or the shelter dog with the hopeful, bright eyes. Taking on the responsibility is bigger than the size of the dog. It is a long-term...
FAQs About Pet Boarding Top 11
Top 11 FAQs About Pet Boarding – When choosing Big Times Kennel in Dayton OH, rest assured that you can check each of the following concerns off your list.

Pet Boarding – Who’s Ready for Summer Vacation?
Pet Boarding – Who’s ready for Summer Vacation? At Big Times Kennel, the caregivers include loving and devoted pet owners, trainers, and groomers. Owners, John and Maureen, live on-site and oversee all aspects of each pet’s well-being.