Build a Strong Bond with Your New Puppy Through Obedience Training

Apr 17, 2019 | Dog Training Tips

puppy sitting in grass - puppy training

puppy sitting in grass - puppy training

Build a Strong Bond with Your New Puppy Through Obedience Training – Who doesn’t love the sweet face and soulful eyes of a puppy? Before you know it, you’re smitten and ready to bring an adorable fur baby into your home, but WAIT! Did you do your homework?

After all, there’s a lot to consider before making such a life-changing commitment.

Initially, you prepare for bringing that bundle of furry joy home by gathering all the supplies…food, bed, leash, pee pad, toys, and so on and your biggest challenge to focus on is most likely housebreaking. However, it won’t be long before you realize that your pup doesn’t quite understand the word “no” and likes to chew on shoes and insists on greeting every visitor by jumping and barking.

Building a Bond

Teaching your puppy basic commands and manners is important early on so that your pet has a foundation of discipline and boundaries on which to build. Not only do you want to focus on interaction with your new pooch, but also gain trust and build a strong bond.

Think of the peace of mind you’ll have by raising a well-behaved and attentive dog. You won’t have to worry about unruly behavior when visitors arrive or when encountering other dogs and strangers while going for a walk. Not only will you be less stressed, but so will your pup.

Obedience & Manners Puppy Training

Nothing beats a great trainer! Get recommendations from friends and do some research before choosing a training facility that is a good fit for you and your pet. Big Times Kennel offers a complete program focused exclusively on puppies ranging from 9 weeks to 1 year old.

• Puppy 101 focuses on puppy/handler interaction, basic commands, and behavior as well as building a strong obedience foundation and positive learning experience. This is for a puppy ages 9 to 16 weeks.

• Puppy 201 centers on building confidence, and establishing your puppy’s attention and focus in using commands—sit, down, stay, leave it, as well as walking on a leash. Also, puppies will be introduced to grooming and handling routines.

Choose the Breed That is Right for You!

Ultimately, the best place to begin is by being informed before you get a puppy and a great place to start is by reading this short but very informative article, Selecting Your New Puppy, by one of Big Times Kennel’s experienced trainers to help you choose the breed that’s the right fit for you and your lifestyle.

Here are a few tips to get started:
• Find a reputable breeder or visit your local animal shelter and rescue a pet in need of a loving home.
• A responsible breeder will be able to give you information about the temperament and structural or health issues in their genetic lines.
• A well-bred puppy may cost a bit more upfront but may save you from potentially costly health problems or behavior issues.

Build a Strong Bond with Your New Puppy Through Obedience Training

At times it can be frustrating when a new puppy doesn’t obey but it’s up to you, the puppy parent, to initiate the means for your pet to establish good manners and behaviors and form a life-long unbreakable bond.

For more information about our upcoming obedience and training classes, visit the Big Times Kennel website. Give us a call if you have any questions 937-885-3427.

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