Dec 11, 2019 | Pet Care Tips
A Puppy for Christmas – Making the Best Choice – You are considering adding a living, breathing being to your family. One that will be with you for, hopefully, 10+ years, one that you will have to live with day in and day out. A dog is a huge commitment and should not be an impulse buy, nor should it be a decision that is taken lightly.
Dec 4, 2018 | Dog Care, Pet Care Tips
Selecting Your New Puppy – So, you are thinking about adding a new 4-legged member to the family!
You have decided that you would like to purchase a purebred puppy from a breeder. Most people start browsing online, they see a cute face and fall in love and the next thing you know they are bringing home a new puppy. STOP. The first thing you should do is find a BREEDER, not a puppy.